Monday, March 23, 2009

Divorce Care

This last weekend Stacy interviewed Sue Haymen on her passion for serving others. Here are thoughts that Sue wrote on facilitating our community wide Divorce Care program being held at Holmen Lutheran.

When I was approached to begin DivorceCare, I felt I had healed from my own divorce and that by my experience I could help others. I had good friends that were also going divorce and separation, and hoped I would be able to help them through their loss.

As in any type of grief, trying to find God in the midst of your pain is the only way to truly heal. Divorce can be a very difficult situation because of its unique type of grief. A person can feel guilt, shame, a profound sense of loss, as well as a feeling of failure. Although I felt I had moved on, there were times that I would have overwhelming feelings of anger and bitterness. Just when I felt I was over it, something would trigger those feeling and once again and I was back in that dark place all over again.

By facilitating Divorce Care, I once again had the realization that when you give of yourself, you receive so much more. One of the hardest things to do is to forgive yourself and your spouse for all of the sorrow that results in a divorce. Even though I did turn to God, I was not truly healed. In DivoreCare I realized that forgiveness is the only way to be in true communion with God and to be whole once again. I also realized that it is not in our power to forgive without the help of God.

I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to serve others with my experience, and in turn live the life God created me for.

And Sue we are thankful for you too.

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